January 20, 2021 | By: tait_flexiliner 
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Chromium plating is the usage of chromium in custom tank liners. It’s particularly useful in industrial water and chemical tanks, instead of traditional liners, for several different reasons. Of course, industrial tank liners are essentially a necessity, as they help prevent rust and corrosion, ease maintenance, and keep products from being contaminated.

However, chromium plating offers another option to the standard tank liner. Chromium plating, in particular, is a great option for older systems, and given the fact that there are still water tanks in use that are over 100 years old, there is plenty of call for chrome plating. Here are a handful of benefits to chromium plating that make it a great option.

It Fights Corrosion and Other Damage from Aging

Fighting rust and corrosion is the main purpose behind any water tank liner, and you still get all of that and more out of chromium plating. Because it fights corrosion, you don’t have to worry about rust and bacteria getting into the water and contaminating the supply. You also won’t have to worry about leaks. This means fewer spills, less costly damage and maintenance, and few impactful leaks into the environment around you.

It Fits to the Shape of Multiple Types of Metal

One of the biggest benefits of chromium plating is how versatile it is. It can fit almost any kind of metal, meaning that whatever type of tank you have, chromium plating remains an option for you to use. It also fits the shape of your tank much better than a traditional tank lining would. This makes the best use out of the space of your tank while taking advantage of all of the benefits offered by a potable water tank lining.

It's Easy to Clean

Due to its naturally smooth surface, chromium is incredibly easy to clean. This means less time needs to be spent on cleaning, which means workers can get the tank operational again and move on to other jobs quicker than if they had to clean a tank without plating. Because the chromium plating is customized to fit your tank, they’ll also come to know and understand it more efficiently. They’ll find this is not just easier to clean, but it's also easier to maintain and operate, too.

Chromium plating is a great option for anyone looking for an alternative to tank lining. It’s safe, practical, and incredibly useful to the water and chemical containment industries.

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