potable water
October 31, 2019 | By: tait_flexiliner 
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A 2014 government accountability report showed that state water managers in 40 out of 50 states expected cases of water shortages within their regions. Although the problem is partly a result of poor weather conditions, faulty water tanks may also be to blame for the mess. Installing tank liners in the water tanks can help in stopping potable water leakages.

Safe and Reliable Water

Water safety is essential in protecting individuals from contracting water borne diseases such as cholera. Unlike the developing world, developed nations (including the U.S.) report few cases of unsafe water. These few instances are usually due to faulty distribution systems or storage tanks allowing harmful bacteria into the water.

One of the organizations concerned with the quality of potable water is the American Water Works Association (AWWA). This non-profit organization was founded more than a century ago and currently has a total of 51,000 members representing over 4,300 utilities. The organization educates water professionals and fights for sustainable and safe water.

The National Association of Water Companies (NAWC) was also founded over a century ago and is an organization formed by water utilities. The members of this organization include companies of all sizes, including individual utilities serving a small area and large companies operating in multiple states. Their mission is to protect the environment, protect public health, and provide sustainable solutions.

But of course, it's not merely up to advocacy groups to ensure water is safe for public consumption. Businesses must do their part to obtain high-quality equipment and take steps to minimize harmful effects.

Water Tank Liners

Having a water tank is one way of ensuring you have a reliable water supply as it cushions you when the tap is not running. However, water leakages lead to water wastage and denies you constant water supply. This can be avoided by installing water tank liners in the tank.

Water tank liners prevent entry of harmful products into the tank besides increasing its service life. Corrosion resistant tank lining protects your tank from agents of weather on the outside and rusting, thus inside increasing the life of the tank. The liners are installed through various processes, such as anodizing, electroplating, and powder coating.

Electroplating is one of the techniques applied in installation of metal liners. During the process, the dissolved metal is sprayed on the tank surface to form a thin layer. Chromium plating is an example of potable water tank liner done through electroplating.

Anodizing and powder coating are the other two lining techniques. In anodizing, the metal is treated resulting in the formation of an oxide layer on its surface. On the other hand, powder coating involves imparting dry powder on the tank surface electrostatically.

Custom linings are some of the most popular liners today. Water tank owners and managers prefer custom liners because they are designed for a particular tank unlike other kinds of linings. Choosing this type is informed by the fact that potable water tanks are made of different materials, and they come in various sizes.

Industrial tanks hold millions of liters and leakages can cause loss of huge amounts of water as well as damage to nearby environment. To avoid this, you need to cover the surface with industrial tank liners. Notably, heavy-duty flexible tank liners contract and expand independently thus protecting the integrity of the tank structure.

Benefits of Liners

The reaction between water and the tank material in presence of air forms rust leading to corrosion. With time, the affected areas tears away and the thickness reduces gradually creating holes that allow water to seep outside while harmful material gets into the tank easily. Fortunately, you can install water storage tank liners that can prevent corrosion since they are water resistant. Hence, installing water tank liners is the best technique of increasing the service life of your tank.

Between the formation of organizations that determine public and industry policy to the installation of equipment that can make water tanks safer, there are several ways to ensure widespread health and potable water usage.

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