Water is responsible for life on Earth. Despite this, at least 2.1 billion people all over the world do not have access to safe, clean, and reliable water in their homes. Nearly 4.5 billion people do not have access to clean sanitation. This is according to a report put out by UNICEF and the World Health Organization. The proper storage of water is essential to keeping it clean and safe. If you are looking to extend the service life of your tanks, you are in good company.
Proper storage of water tanks and the use of water storage tank liners is very important to the environment. This is one reason storing and harvesting rainwater can make a big difference in helping make sure more people have access to decent, clean, and potable water. One problem that may impact your ability to extend the service life of your tanks is the growth of algae. If there is any of this in your water, it is no longer safe for humans, animals, or plants. Algae carry harmful bacteria that can be dangerous to a number of creatures.
Knowing that there are some steps that can help make sure your water tanks are not going to become home to dangerous algae and bacteria. Here are three things you can do to extend the service life of your tanks and keep algae away:
- You should always get tanks that are totally opaque. Algae require sunlight to get energy and reproduce. This is because the organism uses photosynthesis. If you deny algae sunlight, it cannot survive. Also, if your tanks do not let any sunlight in, algae are less likely to make them their new home. So not only are algae less likely to hang out in your tank but if they do, they will die.
- Use bleach to kill the algae. If you have a problem with algae, you can use bleach to kill it all. The ratio should be one-quarter teaspoon for each gallon in your tank. Bleach is great for killing algae (and other organisms that may lurk in your tanks) and for keeping it from coming back. Scientific research shows that using bleach that is made from a solution with 5.25% hypochlorite. Never mix bleach and chlorine together. This combination is also known as chlorine gas and no one wants that.
- Use chlorine. Chlorine is good at slowing the growth of algae. You should add four parts of the chlorine for every thousand parts of water. When you do not use too much chlorine, the water is still potable and will not taste bad.
It is important to note that it is critically important that you pay close attention to the ratios of bleach to water and chlorine to water. This will make sure you kill or stop the growth of any algae while keeping the water safe.
These hints are also good to help you extend the service life of your tanks because many organisms such as algae can be bad for the integrity of the tank. These include algae.
If you use any of these strategies to keep algae from living happy lives in your water tanks, you will easily achieve that goal. There is no need to collect any rainwater if you are just going to let it be destroyed by algae growth. Even using a water treatment tank lining that is durable and strong can do nothing to help once algae have made their home you tanks.
Thank you for explaining how you can keep algae out of your water tank. My parents want to have a water tank. I bet this would help them when they get it built.